Successful Open Garden and news of House Concert coming up

Thank you to all of you who attended the Open Garden or who helped to promote it. Thanks also to Huey for organising the lovely weather. We raised several hundred dollars for each of our chosen charities - Permaculture Australia and Headspace Greensborough

The raffle was drawn a bit late, but winners are being notified now, and here are the details: First Prize (Garden Consultation with Virginia) Orange ticket 72C drawn by Jenna Stafford, Second Prize (Mme Alfred Carrier rose) Green ticket 04F drawn by Ted Hall, Third Prize (Sea Foam rose) Yellow ticket 55B drawn by Seer Gall. Congratulations to our winners and thank you for participating.

Finally, I am SO excited to announce that we are hosting a House Concert of the Formidable Vegetable Sound System on December 18th. Bookings are essential. We look forward to seeing some of you again then.

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